Help the widows! | Fondation La Grande
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Cover the food costs of a widow from the age of 60 with only € 70,- per month!
The beginning: Maman Zola

The starting signal for the foundation in 2020 was a widow named Maman Zola, who was found by Maman IDA MBAMBA KIYEM on July 14th, 2020 after evangelist La Grande suggested that she look for a widow living on the street to do something good for her.


You can see the condition of this poor widow in the following recording: (Video)

She was given cassava flour, a kilo of rice, a flashlight (to see in the dark), matches, a kilo of sugar, embers, and a sum of 40,000 FC (equivalent to US$25) for clothing and other goods of daily personal needs. This widow's recorded thanks on video was posted on social media and was well received.


This gave Evangelist La Grande the courage and impetus to expand such activities. On December 24th, 2020, the foundation was officially established and recognized by the Congolese state. The opening of the aid organization la Grande in Austria followed in 2021.

Why help a widow in Africa?

Children, kitchen, church, these three words unfortunately always describe the sole role of many women in Africa.

If you have no children and the man has died, the widow is often seen as a burden in advanced age.

With ingrained stigmas in society, these widows are frequently stigmatized as witches or cursed women and quickly end up on the streets.

A sad fate that many of our widows have lived through and are living through.

With your help, you can give one or more widows a new hope in life and aging with dignity! Everyone has rights, even if that person has no one left.

This is what the Fondation la Grande stands for!

Maman Scolastique's home after her husband died.

How to help homeless widows?

  • Coverage of food costs – at least €50 per month

  • Acceptance of hospital costs – by arrangement

  • Assumption of the costs for medical aids – by arrangement

  • Assumption of rental costs at least €35 per month

  • Coverage of care costs at least €40 per month

  • Transmission of donations in kind (clothes, shoes, medical aids.....)

The aid organization takes care of it Your donation for their material and immaterial well-being.

In 2021, for example, an apartment for a widow was built in a very short time, where she lives until now.

In March 2023 we are looking forward to taking care of a total of 16 widows per month.

The more partners the aid organization has, the more widows can be helped.

We would like to emphasize that we are grateful for every euro/dollar are!

Thank God for your generosity!

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or our official donation account:IBAN: AT21 1400 0038 1093 9418

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