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Model house of the orphanage and retirement home under construction


Psalm 68:5-7

5Make music to God's glory, sing his name!

Make way for him who rides on the clouds:

"Lord" is his name. Cheer for him!

6An advocate for widows and a father for orphans

is God in his holy dwelling place.

7He gives a home to the lonely,

he gives freedom and happiness to the captives.

As a place of encounter, healing, hope and confidence, the work of the volunteers under the supervision of God and the founder, visionary, pastor and intercessor Evangelist La Grande, who is often referred to as Maman La Grande, is to enable these people to undergo a long-term transformation - without prejudice and in compliance with cultural, social and religious norms in order to avoid further demarcation...

With the construction of the orphanage and the retirement home, a house of the Lord for abandoned widows and orphans, Fondation la Grande has taken a big step in the construction of a home and refuge for traumatized children and widows in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Our mission

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Evangelist la Grande Kibadi Mbaba - Visionary, founder & managing director


Construction of orphanages for children in Africa


Construction of assisted living homes in Africa


help orphans


help widows

How it all started...

The starting signal for the foundation in 2020 was a widow named Maman Zola, who was found by Maman IDA MBAMBA KIYEM on July 14th, 2020 after Maman La Grande suggested that she look for a widow living on the street to do something good for her. You can see the condition of this poor widow in the following recording: (Video)

She was given cassava flour, a kilo of rice, a flashlight (to see in the dark), matches, a kilo of sugar, embers, and a sum of 40,000 FC (equivalent to US$20) for clothing and other goods of daily personal needs. This widow's recorded thanks on video was posted on social media and was well received.

This gave Maman La Grande the courage and impetus to expand such campaigns. On December 24th, 2020, the foundation was officially established and recognized by the Congolese state.

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